A teen goes through approximately 234 minor betrayals everyday. Someday you think you trust your friend with your life and the next day she has forgotten you for a higher place on the popularity ladder. You are walking through life with your partner, and suddenly he has left you for his ex. You think you are sharing your deepest secrets to your best buddy, but the next second she goes and blabs them to everyone. You look around and you check your latest texts however, there is not a single soul that you think can fully trust without hesitation.

Teens usually catch feelings easy and get attached to people in
no time. Teens also crave acceptance in society and tend to be ruthless to other
teens sometimes. It's a cycle of hurting and hating. It's like a very mild
version of hunger games where everyone influences each other to the maximum and
if allies don't stick together, there might be death of reputation. Sometimes
your ally may leave you behind for a competitor they deem better and you stand
threatened now. You have to find other allies as soon as possible, but who can
you trust after such a cruel betrayal?

Do you give up on trusting just because some people took you for granted in the past? No, because if you do, you may let the one person go that always has good intentions for you. Trusting is not bad, wrong judgement about a person is. Trusting is good because it provides you with reassurance that a certain someone will always be there for you. That does not mean you go off trusting every next person you meet on the street. It means that you must keep faith in those that have done things for you repeatedly and made you happy at several points in life. If one person deceived you, don't shun the others for you will need them. You were tricked, you learnt a lesson, now you know you must cherish those who still stand by you and not doubt them instead. I understand that it is easy to build walls when one of the people living in your heart turns out to be a criminal. Walls, nevertheless also keep away the well-wishers from you. Remember to protect yourself not by caging your soul, but by blindly trusting only two people in life. Those who have always sided with you and give you no reason to suspect them and of course, yourself.

