Yes, waiting for exam results is tough, but your result will be determined by how you give your exam. We all know there is a whole other ton of stress involved before your exam even starts.

A month before the exam, you are relaxed. You feel like you have a lot of time to prepare everything even when you don't. The month goes by in the blink of an eye. You now have week left before your exam. You become determined and you tell yourself you must study, but you never get around to it. It's the day before the exam when you wake up from your oblivious slumber, you are in danger. There is suddenly so much pressure on you. You have to do good, but there is so much yet to study. You feel like you have forgotten everything you learnt in class and now your brain is just pretty much a mush. One foolproof way to deal with exam stress is to start early. If you start completing your syllabus way before the exam, you will be able to get all your portion done by the time you have to write the exam, You will be able to keep a more calm and confident mindset and you will understand and remember everything much better. This increases your chances of performing well too.

Another necessity to maintain peace during an exam is to get a good night's sleep beforehand. Pulling an all-nighter is not a good idea. Sleep helps you retain the information you force-fed yourself. Remember also to keep your surroundings clean when you study and your stationary organized during your exam. A messy environment leads to a messy brain. If you know where you have kept all your supplies, you won't hyperventilate trying to look for a particular pen. You will already know where it is. Always keep extra supplies in case of an emergency. If everything works out well on the day of the exam, you will remain much more encouraged.

Take multiple deep breaths before and after the exam. Deep breathing helps one let go of negative thoughts. It makes you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. If you have the patience to meditate, try to do so. Take breaks between hardworking sessions and reward yourself. Don't keep telling yourself to study for 24 hours a day. It's not possible. Talk to friends and family and listen to music. This will give your energy levels a huge boost.

Most importantly, do not treat an exam like a thread to which your life hangs. Exams are serious and difficult, however, not the end of life. True peace during an exam can only be attained by recognizing that the exam cannot ruin you. You must power through it and soon, it will long be over. Try to think about the fun things you would do when you finish your exam and use that as a motivation. Whatever happens, always regard your health (mental and physical) before your grades. No exam is worth stressing over to the point of frustration. In any way, the calmer you stay, the better your exam you slay.



Profile of Manmeet Roy
Manmeet Roy  •  4y  •  Reply
Well written. ^_^