Everyday is a new day and it's in our heart as well as in our mind to make the day the BEST. Even if a trouble breaks our happiness bubble let's not become feeble nor tremble but you brim your heart with all happiness. If fear knocks at your door and capture never panic for the fear is something weak ;so break fear into pieces with the weapon called bravery.When the mockery monster is hitting your heart hard turn back and smile to perish the guile thoughts. So every second, nanosecond,minute,hour is in your hand to design life in your own way with all positivity.

Life is a blessing from the heavenly God so cherish everytime with the support of God.Lets adorn our blessing called life with rejoicement.😊😊

Life is our BLESSING ;

Cherish without ERRING ;

Crown yourself in joy;

Life is a BLESSING;

So don't annoy;

Adorn your BLESSING ;

Smile in God's grace ;

So cast smile on your face .



Profile of Aquilin Sneha
Aquilin Sneha  •  4y  •  Reply
Written with blessings from God