Learn The Art Of Healthy Competition

Tulika Singhal
Mar 18, 2019   •  719 views

The industrialization and the advancement in technology has boost up the competition level in the society. Everyone is competing and everything is competing with each other. The competition level has so triggered up that it has created the heated environment among the competitors. Competitors put their best efforts to showcase their talent best over the others, sometimes genuinely, sometimes using negative approach; sometimes they try their best to degrade their competitor etc use multiple such ways.

If we talk about the word 'competition’ then it is applied to every type of profession. Until and unless we will not face competition, we would not be able to establish ourselves at the right position. The Competitions encapsulate the journey of our progress. But healthy competition acts as vitamin while unhealthy competition acts as a drug.

Yes! Competitions can be done in two ways: Healthy competition and Unhealthy competition.
What is healthy competition? The healthy competition focuses on the improvement of an individual. While competing with each other, we try to do our best and it yields our positive growth. We try to achieve our target on our ability. Our focus is completely on ourselves.

While Unhealthy competition focuses on how we can show our competitor less worthy, we try to point out flaws in them. Our concentration shifts from us to them. We try to show them lower in front of others. This competition is negative. For example, throwing stones under the feet of a dancer, destroying painting of the competitor, changing the script of competitor etc.

Suppose in a competition, person A wants to win by hook or crook. He is ready to do anything for that. His entire attention is at his opponent. That is called unhealthy competition.

Healthy competition is when a person B’s attention is totally on him. He tries to perform best to his level. He looks competition as an opportunity to improve rather than focusing on to ’win at any costs’.

There are some points to keep in mind for a healthy competition-

1. Competition should be done with yourself- The first and foremost reason should be keep in mind is that your competition should be with yourself not with others. Our competition should be with the progress we make each and every time. How faster we grow with each passing day. Our primary focus should be at our improvement. Competition should not be done in a motive to run the race from others. It will not leave any room for development and we will end up in bullying each other down.

2. Winning is not everything!- Winning should not be the only factor to compete. Participating is bigger factor. Participation improves our skills at every step of life.

3. Accept the fact that losing is the part of life- Until and unless we will not face failures, we will not progress. Losing is the part of this game. Failure makes us strong and helps us to learn at every step of life. They help in our progress and build our cells. We should learn from our failures. They are not the drowning points but is the booster point

4. Set a good example - we should aim at setting a good example. We should try to motivate others and should do something that have an impact on our and others lives too.

5. Don't criticize, degrade others- while competing we should not try to win over others by letting them down. Our focus should to achieve our goal without degrading others. Our focus should not be to find flaws in others. We should have the ability to win our target.

6. Talk about your expectations- our aim should be to meet our target. We should be clear in our mind that what expectations we have from ourselves.

Competitive spirit should be there in human beings but should be directed towards positive directions. The competition will remain throughout our life. Everyone should learn to compete healthier. Do a healthy competition as it brings the best in us and moulds us into the best version of ourselves. Cultivate healthy competition in the surroundings.

