"Honesty is the best policy."

This is one of the earliest life lessons that the human race has been teaching and transferring into their offsprings, generation after generation. Although childhood memories are extremely subjective but somehow most of us, without many exceptions, remember this saying. We have been repeatedly reminded of the importance of honesty and truth. But my question is, "Is life possible without a lie?"

Before we dive into the matter I want to focus your attention on another equally interesting and never ending debate which is, what is truth? It is often said that truth is our ability to perceive and understand information but then, they also say that every individual perceives and decodes information according to their own unique sense of understanding and wisdom. And it is this uniqueness that makes each human different and distinct. Does that mean truth also differs and varies with every individual? Does that mean truth is subjective and no matter what we say it may seem like a lie to someone or the other. Does that mean there is no universal version of an incident and thus nothing which can be termed true for everyone? Or is there something that can be termed as true? Something that must prevail irrespective of every individual's unique understanding and interpretation of events.

