With summers into our lives already, it is time for us to start keeping a watch on what we wear, eat and drink to keep ourselves from the heat of the season.

Use sun blockers
Before leaving home during day time, make sure to wear thin, light coloured gloves, stockings for uncovered parts of the hands and legs. Carry a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the heat and rays of the sun. Cover your nose and if possible, the face with a scarf or handkerchief when out in the sun. Apply sunscreen of at least SPF-30 after cleaning your face at least twice a day. For blocking the heat to enter your house, make sure to put on the curtains. Avoid keeping the doors and windows closed for the whole day. Keeping the doors and windows open help in the cross ventilation of the air inside the room or house.

Shut down your machines when not in use
The trick is majorly for the office go-ers. Shutting down the computers, laptops and other machines in your office area or workplace help a lot in reducing the heat in your surrounding. Switching off the machine when not in use reduces the amount of heat the machine dissipates in its immediate surrounding. It also prevents the room temperature to take a rise. At home, one should keep the home appliances powered off once its usage is over. Keeping the machines on generates heat from it and transfers it into the surrounding, adding up to the already existing heat content.

What to wear?
The summer season of our country exclusively demands us to choose our clothing very delicately. It is suggested to avoid wearing dark coloured, tight fitted clothes. Light coloured, loose fitted clothes are preferred during this season. Light coloured clothes manage to reflect back most of the heat they absorb. It is also suggested to wear synthetic or cotton fabric, as they help in easy precipitation of the sweat released from our body. It is also suggested to wear clothes covering as much of the body as possible. This prevents the skin from being exposed to the rays of the sun, which are known to be harmful to the skin.

What to eat?
It is very important to eat the right kind of food during this season. The food that keeps your body cool and hydrated should be consumed. Eat a lot of green veggies including bitter gourd, lettuce and cucumber. Eat citrus vegetables like lemon and other fruits that should be consumed are watermelon. Mint leaves also prove to be an efficient contributor in keeping our body cool. It is best to avoid eating any street food or fast food.

What to drink?

Drinking 8 glasses of water is a must in this season. Drink as much of fruit juices. Coconut water and sugarcane juice are highly advantageous for our body during the summer. Consumption of caffeine or alcohol should be strictly restricted during the few months of summer. Instead, engage yourself in drinking lassi and buttermilk as they help in a lot maintaining to keep the body cool. Green tea is also suggested during this season. It is advised to drink the water soaked in fennel and fenugreek seeds. This helps in lowering the internal heat of the body.

Bring about these changes in your lifestyle for the season and have a healthy and comfortable summer this year.

