"The only trip you will regret is the one you don't take."

The thrum of an engine, shifitng of gears, hurriedly running to catch your flight, the last minute packing you promised yourself you would not do ( and yet here we are again)- Ready! Set! Travel! There is an all familiar rush one feels at the beginning of every journey one embarks upon. And why not, for escaping into new lands, having a taste of the local food, exposing oneself to an array of different fragrances, with an unfamiliar buzz in the background and witnessing a new culture unfold all at once- the experience travel provides is a delight, in every sense of the word.

Trips, big or small, make one realise how life is just one beautiful journey. They enable one to approach life with meaning and depth, and give an altogether new perspective to situations. Travel is discovery- of the dynamic and evolving world around us, but even more importantly, the world within.