An Interdisciplinary Approach To Studies

Tiya Singh
Jan 14, 2019   •  7 views

Perhaps, one of the most vital aspects of human life has always been the constant yearn for finding meaning in life. Sure, survival in terms of wealth and health also plays a substantial role, but it fulfils only a very small criterion in the broad spectrum that is life. When you live in a complex world, you need to simplify it in order to comprehend its workings. We may never fully be able do so, but it is almost instinctual for us to keep trying. The journey of self- discovery runs parallel to the journey of the discovery of the world. Life is chaotic, and it is to relieve the ever present existential question hanging over our heads, are we pressed to ask more questions.

Interdisciplinary study of disciplines offers quite a different approach towards education, deviating from the pre-set convention which focusses only on one discipline. This is to supplement the already existing foundation of a set discipline. Interdisciplinarity allows us to defy our set thought patterns, which at the end of the day; narrows & restricts our growth and development. It throws light on the basic interdependence of the varied fields of study, as the borders between any two disciplines is not fixed and it is not possible to demarcate one from the other. It also helps us question stereotypes, biases that often pull us down into the swampy zone of poor productivity. Interdisciplinarity, thus increases the efficiency of the disciplines that it works towards connecting. To be able to apply a wide body of knowledge to even the smallest of areas of study is a skill of great relevance, and forms the core of a liberal arts education. Thus, interdisciplinary study takes a very functionally practical view on life. It is crucial in today’s context; as we live in a world where we are not encouraged to make mistakes in our area of expertise, where we know a lot but understand little. The problem was never in not knowing, but instead in not deeply wanting to know.

At the end of the day, even the most random piece of information can help build the most brilliant idea. Take the case of Sir Isaac Newton, for instance. As the story goes, the simple and common act of an apple falling from a tree led Newton to relate it to one of the most fundamental phenomena on planet earth; one that dictates not only the life on earth, but also the stable rotation of all the planets, stars and satellites present in our Universe.

In our world, science & technology are not advanced by people who believe, but instead by those who do not know and try earnestly to find out. The magical part of science actually lies in figuring out the rules of the world. Interdisciplinarity also invokes a very subjective question which forms the basis on which we build our lives. Science takes on the aura of magic because the design of civilisation proceeds by a narrative imperative- it makes a coherent story. Reasoning and logic often take a backseat in the rote memorising convention that our world unfortunately follows. Everyone should be willing to recognise that senses are often limited and, even when accurate, must be interpreted. If man could obtain some truths, he could establish others entirely through the power of reasoning.

Sometimes, the best form of travel that we partake in is the one in our minds.