Family planning is adoption of suitable methods by a couple to restrict the size of the family. In other words,it is the way to decide the number of children they plan to have. Why shall a family plan to have restricted number of children? Why all of a sudden others others improvise the idea of family planning? In present India, this is one of the biggest reason that more than half of the population is still living below poverty line.
In ancient India, the term "family planning" did not exist at all. For women bearing children without thinking of the unfavorable circumstances was usual. This gradually constrainted them from having good standard living. The concept of family planning was introduced in our country when the situation of overpopulation got alarming. It was essential to educate people about family planning. It was necessary on economical and social grounds to control the growth of population. The main solution to the problem was Birth Control. With remarkable advancements of science, medicine, the mortality rate has come down but effective work in the field of family planning and birth control are yet to be done. People are unaware of the complications of overpopulation. Majority of Indian population lives in villages. Most of them yet aren't blessed with the benefits of education. When providing adequate amount of food for a family becomes difficult, these people force their kids to work in factories and fields so that they can earn. This leads to child labour. Special camps and NGOs have been trying to share the benefits of having less children. Though they couldn't make a huge difference yet, mostly because people living in remote villages believe in luck and fate more than scientific technologies.
In a democratic country like India, people are free to take their decision. But the the lack of idea of family planning is leading to excessive rise in population and if this is not regulated now, surplus amount of substances might be extinguished before the next generation. Our Five Year Plan and other development skills take a backseat because of lack of effective control and check over population. Population explosion is a great threat to our national development. Planning helps in limiting the number of issues in a family and thus the ' burden' of feeding and educating them. Many countries are concerned about population rise and have taken necessary actions like planned parenthood. The factor that next lies to this is Education. In our country though literacy has increased considerably still 70% people are left without any schooling or the basic ideas of the benefits of being literate.
It is high time that people of our country to realise the significance of family planning which will give them a better lifestyle. As a social responsibility, individuals and organisations should make efforts to educate and spread the ideas of birth control.