
There are secrets out there you are never to explore

There are secrets in different poetries, in different lores

There are secrets, answers to which you dearly seek

There are secrets in your words, in your pens you verily keep

There are secrets enriching, enthralling, empowering to unroll

There are secrets that urge you to get up and explore, every morrow

Big secrets, small, all secrets, lies!

The game of anonymity till the uncertain demise

There are secrets that often stab us from within

There are secrets strung in agony, played as a chiming din

There are secrets to our bravery, secrets to when we’re weak

There are secrets in our destinies, in our souls quite unique

There are secrets in the sea, flowing with the ebb of every tide

There are secrets in the careless dancing fires of the night

Only with this in mind, do poets chose their rhyme

As only through secrets are words immortalised in time.

