Behavioural science explores the interactions between organisms in the natural world. It involves systematic analysis and investigation of human behavior through the study of past, observing the present and scientific analysis and modelling. In general, behavior science deals with the actions and interactions of humans. Behavioural science is a combination of sociology, psychology and anthropology. Even though it is related to social science, they differ in their scientific aspects. Behavioural science deals with study of process of communication between human beings while social science is the framework to study the process of social systems and structural adjustments of individuals and groups.

What does a behavioural scientists do? The answer is simply to trace human behavior. They combine the knowledge of sociology, psychology and anthropology with strong observations and research. They mainly study the human habits, actions and intentions. Many of these scientists works in medical fields, some others in law enforcement agencies or prison. A behavioural scientists should require a strong sense of ethics and compassion and concern themselves with issues of life satisfaction.

Though there are many similarities between human beings, there is not yet a complete similarity identified. Levels of interest, attitude, strength, weakness etc. differ across various spans of human life. So behavioural science has a lot more to explore since human life has a beautiful pattern of difference across the life cycle.

