First Impression Is The Last Impression

Swarangi Mahajani
May 30, 2019   •  99 views

A good first impression is a building block of a storng relation. Every thing from a handshake to the dessing sense to speaking skills makes impression on a person.

Here are some tips to make a good first impression when you meet someone for the first time:

  • Body language

Body language often has great impact in transmitting messages to the listener. Facial expression and eye movements are very important while conveying your feelings. Positive body gestures are a sign of confidence and security. Your individual success depends on what you do to prepare yourself for interactions with others. . Gesturing also can have a bad influence on your talk.

  • Making Eye Contact

When you makeeye contactwith a person while talking to them, you make them feel more comfortable. It is also important to maintaineye contactwhen someone is addressing you, as it is considered polite and indicates that you are listening to them. Nerves can sometimes cause us to look everywhere but at the person we are talking to, which can be perceived as rude.

  • Smile

When yousmile, you feel better about yourself and anyone who sees yousmilingwill feel better about themselves. You may even receive asmilein return, and you will make apositive first impression.If you walk around with a frown or grimace on your face, you may be telling people to keep their distance.

  • Dress Properly

You will give an instant impression just by what you choose to wear. People look at your appearance, body language and how you are dressed and instantly make an evaluation. Your physical appearance is usually the first point of reference for people. When you feel great in what you wear, you’ll project positivity and engage with more confidence, ultimately helping you make the right impression.

  • Right Firm Handshake

It's often said that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. In business especially, that impressiontypically begins with ahandshake. A common greeting across the world, ahandshake often times signifies the hopeful beginning of a positiverelationship.

  • Be Punctual

Thebestrule of thumb to follow is, “If you are not 15 minutes early, you are late.” Arriving early allows you to fill out any paperwork needed and gives you time to gather your thoughts before meeting a person. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism. Many people believe being on time reflects good manners because it shows respect and consideration for the other person’s time.

  • Be Positive And Show Confident Gestures

While a lot of people can be negative by nature, people tend to gravitate towards those with a positive attitude. Give the other person space so they do not feel claustrophobic. Lean in to show interest, and do not cross your arms or look disinterestedduring the conversation. Saying nice thingsabout others will make the person associate you with being nice.

