It always matters what you eat, how you eat and where you eat . What we eat has a direct effect on our body and also affects how we feel. Our quality of life could automatically be affected if we eat too much or too less because the food is a way of providing nutrition and nourishment to our body. By making better food choices, we might be able to control our compulsive eating behaviours and weight imbalances.

In today's world, unfortunately, what and how we eat is influenced by a number of factors, such as cultural norms, environmental messages, social pressures, and familial issues. Thus, our perception of food choices is changed, leading to other co-connected consequences.

Many people see food as a friend who can bring relief from things like boredom, anxiety, stress etc. It brings a prolonged period of joy and happiness but in long run, it can increases negative feelings, guilt as well as regret due to issues like weight gain.

The commonly increasing disease among children, as well as adults, is obesity.
Being obese significantly increases one's risk of death from hypertension, stroke, heart disease, and other conditions. It happens due to uncontrollable consumption of food than the body can use.

This condition leads to a number of risk factors having a negative impact on our health like bad whole cholesterol,ical inactivity, premature heart disease are commonly seen now.

There are many causes of such risk factors. Some reasons for the increasing rate of obesity is as follows :

  • Not being active include relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work or at home because of modern technology and conveniences, and lack of physical education in schools for children.

  • People who are inactive are more likely to gain weight because they don't burn up the calories that they take in.

  • Lack of neighbourhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation. Not having nearby parks, sidewalks, makes it hard for people to be physically active.

  • Eating large portions means too much energy will cause weight gain if it isn't balanced with physical activity.

  • Children adopt the habits of their parents. A child who has overweight parents who eat high-calorie foods and are inactive will likely become overweight too.

  • Some people eat more than usual when they're bored, angry, or stressed out, later it will lead to weight gain and may cause obesity.

People who need to lose weight for their health don't recognize it, while others who don't need to lose weight want to get thinner for cosmetic reasons. To lose weight, it’s helpful to change your thinking first. It’s in your own hand what can be done regarding your health choices.

Do you want to improve your lifestyle or suffer from diseases?

