The modernity in Indian society stops the moment children, especially girls, want to marry outside the caste. Until this point everyone was secular and liberal. No problem in eating with them, going to their houses ..but marring in the house is impossible .
“ Our cultured won’t match” . This might be the prominent reply from parents and relatives about inter- caste marriages. How come culture comes only in marriage and not in friendship or in any other walks of life. These are strange replies makingsense only to those of our parents' generation.Yet we need to convince them because unlike our parents we care about family more than the society. But how do we achieve this?
Our words must convey to our parents the confidence we have in our choice. They might try to emotionally weaken you. But do not fall for this. State your decision clearly and confidently
The maiden talk with the family may not be successful. They might even try to win you by listing the perks of marrying within the caste. At this point you need to decide about your preferences- is it family or your lover. After having done this, act accordingly.
The prime concern of parents is society and their image in the society. Try to make them understand that your happiness is greater than the society. It’s very hard . But may be repeated talks will help in some cases.
If your choice is marry the person of your choice even without the family support , financially secure yourself. You might find very hard to find jobs, save from the meagre wages you get, cut down on the luxuries of life . Yet you need to do this for being able to have a life of your choice. At the end all your hardships will pay
Having made the choice to marry without family support, let your parents know your decision . About the marriage including when and where. This just proves that you are doing no wrong, that you are completely sure of what you are doing.
Now the future life may not be as happy as you dreamt. But respect the decision you made. This is also about your right to choose which your parents denied. So even if things turn out the way your parents warned , be proud of your courage to decide for your own
Inter caste marriages need to be seen as marriages firstly. The caste factor need to be thrown out from the societyto make it egalitarian and democratic.