Something that’s made out of your hands looks a hundred times more beautiful than the ones bought. One of the skills where handmade pieces are made out of the earth’s very soil is pottery.
Pottery is the art of making pots, vessels and other kinds of objects with clay and other ceramic materials. They are usually set ablaze, in other words they are cooked up in fire to give out a more sturdy and durable outcome. Even in many sites of excavation of archeology, remains of these artifacts are found, which indicate the style of culture and designs that were known to be popular during that time. As in Wikipedia, pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, originating before the Neolithic period, with ceramic objects like the Gravettian culture Venus of Dolní Věstonice figurine discovered in the Czech Republic dating back to 29,000–25,000 BC,[2]and pottery vessels that were discovered in Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC.
This activity of making things out of clay is said to bring out the creativity side of you and increase your motor skills. There would be a fine coordination in the movement of your hands and fingers, producing those ever those delicate patterns. Pottery can also help improve your sensory development, knowing when to apply pressure on the right points and space. This could bring precision in your works and gain a lot of focus too.
When you start off with learning pottery, you might find yourself back to square one, many a times, but let me tell nothing comes off easy until a little effort is put in with a bit of enthusiasm and ardor. Though your piece may probably look like a blob of clay which had been sputtered on the wheel, patience is what it takes to do the job. Eye to hand synchronization must be present as you spin the potter’s wheel to mould the clay material.
A potter’s imagination could be an endless pit as they can put up anything on their works with the required skill. Though there was a lot of development in pottery during the olden times, like glazing them to give sheen surface, every culture had their own way of decorating their earthenware. While some carved out intricate patterns others scored out the deities of their respective ethos, marking a one of kind signature in this trade of a hobby.
If you’re really good at what you’re doing, who knows you could turn your favorite pastime into a fine business? So, I guess if you haven’t tried pottery until now, why not try it? You might as well fall in love with it.