
Mood swings, fear, anxiety, low confidence, ignorance, failures all these things get to turn up in the depression. What actually depression is all about? How we can know we are in a depression? What are the things that make us depressed? and Mainly How to deal with it? These are some few questions we are going to discuss in this article.

Nowadays lots of persons are suffering from depression. So many of them choose to suicide and end their life. If someone got depressed it is very difficult to come out it.

What is Depression

Depression is a kind of mental illness in which all the negative thoughts goes in your mind and causes symptoms like fear, anxiety, loneliness. The person starts feeling lonely and it also affects his food intake, water intake etc. Eventually, the person got ill physically also. Most of the person getting depressed to have ended their life hilariously. We can call depression as a Silent killer also.

Science says that the body has two types of diseases

1) Physical

2) Mental

Depression falls into the second category of diseases. There are different parts of the brain handling different functions. Limbic systems of temporal part of the brain deal with the emotions and feelings. The body has effects of thought when there are negative thoughts in the body, the person feels uneasy and got ill. So keeping the mind fresh and free of negative thoughts is a very essential part of maintaining good health and Keeping mind away from depression.

How to know you are in a depression

When a person got depressed its starts feeling sad, anxious, lonely. He started behaving unwanted. Mood swings are seen in this type of person. They got sometimes very rude. In most of the cases, a person finds itself difficult to deal with its feelings. A person gets introvert. He started to live alone. Sleeplessness is another symptom of depression. A person has lost its control on regular life and activities such as taking a meal, doing work, sleeping well on time. A person gets involved in his own mind and feelings. Sometimes in severe cases person losses his control on his mind totally.

Reasons for Depression

1)Negative thoughts

2) Failures in work and studies

3)Loss in business

4) Death of close person

5) Accidents like rape, sexual abuse

6) Ignorance by people

7) Feeling hurt all the time

8) Any critical situation in life

9)The main reason is Overthinking.

How to deal with depression

The main solution for depression is sharing your feelings with your close ones. After sharing your problems with a close person your brain gets relaxed. You got the feeling of togetherness. Avoid overthinking as it is the main reason for depression. Try to be happy and involved with the person you like. Make new friends, go on trips, meet your family, relatives, best friends. Spend quality time with them. Have a party, started doing things which makes you happy and relaxed.

If the case is much severe one should go the psychiatric doctor and get proper treatment.



Profile of Sukanya Pawar
Sukanya Pawar  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you 😊
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Sandhya Pawar  •  4y  •  Reply
Right 👍
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