“There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth”
At the end of 19th century, a number of discoveries were made in physics which paved the way for the breakthrough of modern physics and let to the revolutionary technical development.

Marie Curie is one of the most famous scientists. Her contributions are the discovery of Radium and X-ray. Marie Curie was a polish - born physicist and chemist and on of the most famous scientist of her time.

Marie’s childhood:

Manya, as she was called, was in born Maria Sklodowska in Warsaw,Poland on November7,1867. Maria was only eight when her oldest sister died of typhus. Three years later ,her mother died of tuberculosis . Manya was the star student in her class. Her personal loses did not block her academic success. After graduating at the age of 15 ,Maria hoped to get an advanced degree.

Marie Curie’s Education:

In 1891, she changed her name to Marie. Marie realized that neither her math or science background nor her ability in technical French equaled that of her fellow students. She overcome these drawbacks through her hard work. Marie finished her first master degree in physics and second in math. She didn’t have money for her higher studies, but senior scientist recognized her ability and help her by awarding a scholarship.

The Curies:

In Paris ,she met her future husband and collaborator , Pierre Curie who wasLab chief of the Paris Municipal school of industrial Physics and chemistry. Pierre gave Marie a lab of her own. In Marie, Pierre found an equal and comparable devotion to science. They would soon marry and have two daughters.

Radium was tightly linked with the Curies. Pierre’s pioneering work on the effects of radium on living organisms shaved it could damage tissue, and this discovery was used against cancer and other diseases.

The Nobel Prize:

The curies would work together and combine to receive the Nobel Prize in 1903 for their research with radium. Piere’s life ended tragically on April 19,1906. Marie took over his classes and continued her own research. It was the first time that a woman would hold an important university research position. She would work harder than ever and receive much prestige Nobel Prize again in 1911.

World War I :

During World War I, Marie worked as an “X-ray technician”, taught radiological technology, and equipped mobile X-ray vans to assist in the war effort. She become head of the Paris Institute of Radium in 1914 and found the Curie Institute.
“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood
In Science , we must be interested in things ,not in persons”
These are the thoughts of Marie Curie. In 1934 at the age of 67 , she died from Leukemia. Marie would lead an exciting life receiving 15 gold medal,19 degrees and many other honors. Marie Curie has opened a lot of doors for the young women today.

