Being a youth, one has to face lots of tough situations in life. Many youths do not have the ability to balance their life between their education or career and so often end up depressed. That depression leads them to take wrong decisions in life which makes their life dark. One has to have the attitude that everything in life happens for a reason. If this phrase 'Everything Happens for a Reason gets strong impact in the minds of the youths, then they should try to cultivate the ability to have patience in life. They have to wait and see what life is trying to offer them. On the other side, they should also have some 'ME' time to spend for themselves. 'A Secret Wishlist' helps to rejuvenate the mind during stressful situations.

The Secret Wishlist

  • Watching a night show movie with your crush

  • Making people believe that you are in relationship (but actually you are not in relationships)

  • Going for a long drive in midnight

  • Going for a trek in deep sense forest

  • Watching adult series/movies with your besties

The above mentioned are some tit-bit examples. The list can even be your dream/goals list to be achieved in life. There should be a kind of excitement evoked in you which gives happiness whenever the items in the list is accomplished. It should make you move forward in life making it an adventurous journey. Try to accomplish all the items in the 'Secret Wishlist'. Fill in your Blank Secret Wishlist to have a new kick start in this adventurous journey of Life.

"Be Happy, Be Exciting & Keep Rocking"

Life is a gift bestowed to mankind by the eternal one above. It is in our hands to make it beautiful and cherish it with memories.

I end with a quote saying,

"Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from Life. There is Just one thing that makes your dream impossible: the fear of failure" - Paulo Coelho

Rip away your failures and fly like a butterfly with beautiful colours in this eternal journey of Life fulfilling you dreams and desires in the 'Secret Wishlist'.



Profile of Ss Swetha
Ss Swetha  •  6y  •  Reply
Thank you for all your valuable comments. Thank you Sangavi Kumar Mam for your comments.
Profile of Prabhakaran Moorthy
Prabhakaran Moorthy  •  6y  •  Reply
Most admired with the phrase #Fear of failure Yes... Winning the race is secondary, while the full fledged interest of participation is prime thing💪... Keep cheering others with your thoughts...😄 Truly said secret wishlist...🤘
Profile of Prabhakaran Moorthy
Prabhakaran Moorthy  •  6y  •  Reply
Most admired with the phrase #Fear of failure Yes... Winning the race is secondary, while the full fledged interest of participation is prime thing💪... Keep cheering others with your thoughts...😄 Truly said secret wishlist...🤘
Profile of Sangavi Kumar
Sangavi Kumar  •  6y  •  Reply
These secret wishes are spicy 😉..these wishes seem to be yours i think. Nice flow...good to read..
Profile of Preethika Sadaiappan
Preethika Sadaiappan  •  6y  •  Reply
True...and all have lots of desires and fear stops them all from pursuing it