7 Easy Natural Remedies To Soothe Your Period Pain!

Sreetama Chakraborty
Jun 18, 2019   •  2 views

Do you keep twisting and turning on your bed in your gripping period pain? Then check out below the 7 easy natural remedies to soothe your period pain!

  • Stay well hydrated

Drink more water or other good fluids. Water eases your bloating which else worsens period symptoms. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily in your periods. But don’t add salt as it encourages bloating and fluid retention. If you experience diarrhoea during menstruation, having plenty of water will replenish your body.

  • Heal with heat

Apply a heating pad, hot water bottle or heat wrap on your abdomen. Their repetitive application of heat can magically soothe your pain by helping your uterine muscles to relax. If you don’t have any heating pads or bottles or wraps, don’t worry. Take a hot shower or use a warm wet towel instead.

  • Massage with essential oils

A good massage for your abdomen for at least 5 minutes per day can help relieve your cramps. Why? Cause massage promotes blood circulation. Get a massage with essential oils like lavender or clary sage to get better benefits for your benefits. Certain compounds in these oils have been reported to help soothe pain and dysmenorrhea.

  • Do light exercises

Did you know that exercise releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals to improve well-being? It also improves blood circulation. Light exercises like walking, running, cycling or swimming can relieve your period pain. You may also go for yoga or tai chi if you feel fatigued in your periods.

  • Drink chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which inhibit prostaglandins. These provoke your uterine contractions, thereby causing cramps. Prostaglandins also cause headache, diarrhoea and nausea during your periods. Drinking chamomile tea eases your menstrual flow and reduces period pain.

  • Go for cinnamon

A study found that the young women who had capsules having 420mg cinnamon during the first 3 days (3 times daily) of their periods experienced less pain, bleeding, nausea and vomiting than those who went for a placebo. They didn’t even get any side effects after taking cinnamon pills. So, add a pinch of cinnamon in your cup of hot cocoa or bowl of cereal. It might soothe your cramps.

  • Try some fennel

Wondering how fennel can relieve your menstrual pain? Fennel also restrains uterine contractions stimulated by prostaglandins. A study showed that about 80% young women who tried capsules having 30mg fennel extract for 3 days (4 times daily) had less cramps than those who used a placebo. So try it right away!

Regarding the “do’s”, try the above easy natural remedies to heal your menstrual cramps. Well, there are also some “don’ts”! Avoid alcohol as it increases dehydration. Also, cut down your caffeine consumption in the form of tea, coffee or energy drinks. Now, you’re ready to fight your cramps!

Let me know down in the comments section how these natural remedies helped relieve your period pain!

