The Secret To Gender Equality

May 29, 2019   •  4 views

From Afghanistan to Australia, from Berlin to Budapest, from Costa Rica to Czech Republic and from Germany to Great Britain, all around the world, we claim to have achieved gender equality on and off. We say that women have been walking abreast of men for the past few decades.

But, let's pause for a moment and contemplate. Do we really walk hand in hand with men in every field? There are three most important planks which can help a woman attain equality :Financial independence, awareness and physical empowerment. Financial independence and awareness can be achieved through proper education and many females attain them through their dedication and hard work. But when it comes to physical strength, a male is biologically stronger than his female counterpart. That's where most of the problem lies. This makes the physical empowerment of women the most important plank of gender equality.

Even now when she walks in the darkness of the night, her heart throbs madly and she feels the same fear and insecurity as was faced by her predecessors long ago when women hadn't thought of achieving equality to their male counterparts even in their wildest dreams.

Actually, God himself discriminated against women. He made men physically superior to women. When the manufacturer himself is biased, who are we to point fingers at? So, it's very difficult to achieve physical equivalence to men but we surely can strive towards alleviating the difference, which would eventually help women defend themselves during dire distress.

God forbids multiplicity of a woman in our society. She is gagged whenever she opens her mouth to voice her concerns. Physical dominance of men haunts her dreams too as the society teaches her to fear everything. Even after being inflicted upon violences like rape, sexual assault, insult to modesty, kidnapping, abduction, cruelty by intimate partner or relatives, trafficking, persecution for dowry and indecency, she is supposed to keep her mouth shut because good girls don't complain. Many rape cases go unreported because they are more worried about their reputation than the wellbeing of their daughters. This is why physical empowerment is so important. A female should be able to fight back when the situation demands of it.

Now it is high time that we strive towards an egalitarian society. It's time for equal rights, equal opportunities, equal participation and above all, respect for each and everyone. And that can only be achieved when women are no longer the "weaker sex" and can protect themselves when they are needed to. It is only possible if the empower themselves in all aspects and make sure that, if need be, they can fight back against anyone. Education and physical empowerment are the keys to an egalitarian society.. This will definitely make the earth, our only and collective home, a better place to live in.



Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow great article. Check out mine too.