Recuperation Of Children From Emotional And Behavioural Disorders

Speech Link
May 07, 2020   •  1 view

Concentration is the most significant instrument that serves in as a telescope through which we select and amplify the boosts with involvement in our world. Emotional disorders in children and adolescents has been a major problem in schools, which distorts their focus from academics. Emotional and behavioural disorders in children include anxiety and disruptive. Disruptive behaviour disorders include physical aggression and excessive argumentativeness. Behavioural disorders involve in attention, impulsivity or criminal activity. Inculcation of these two disorders leads to poor concentration of children in school.


In order to make the life of children and adolescent group easier and crime free, it is necessary to build up several mental health organizations which will carry out activities and therapies, for betterment of their life. Activities should consist of Speech language therapy and Occupational therapy.


·        Speech-Language Therapy

Speech language therapy is based on assessing the behaviour of individual children. Based on the assessment, practitioners set goals to enhance their communication and self-expression skills. Each session is conducted by considering that Speech-Language therapy incorporates fun and positive vibes in their life.


Speech-Language Therapy helps in recovery from the following difficulties:


Accent reduction

Accent reduction is a very common problem which is faced by children while they are not communicating in their mother tongue. A person who is not an English speaker, can be trolled by his accent, when he is speaking with a native English speaker. This may lead to confusion, further leading to lack of self-confidence. With proper therapy by a speech pathologist, the following defect can be recovered.


o   An assessment of pronunciation of sound and speech rhythm

o   Weekly training session to keep a track of the progress


Articulation disorder

Articulation disorder is production of sounds while misfunctioning of jaw, lips and tongue. Articulation disorder is speech mispronunciation and distortion of sound.


o   Comparing the speech order with the statistical norms helps in good assessment of the defect

o   Understanding the difference between correct and incorrect pronunciation in a spontaneous speech is also another way of rectifying the defect



·        Occupational Therapy


The occupational therapists evaluate the gross and fine skills of each children. They are also involved in considering other aspects of the children, for instance: visual and learning difficulties. Occupational therapy helps children to develop skills which are required for their daily activities, when they are facing difficulties in the below outlined area:


Gross motor skills

Gross motor skills involve physical activities of the children. These involves coordinating and balancing of body parts. Lacking this skill, may lead to difficulty with the following:

o   Walking or crawling

o   Muscle weakness

o   Coordination of body


Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are movement of smaller body parts like lips, wrists or fingers, like:

o   Separation of figures

o   Painting skills

o   Object interaction


Thus, it can be concluded that emotional and behavioural disorders can be recovered using therapies. These therapies can curb the disorders and cure the children from being further exposed to any syndromes.




