The ‘LGBT’ acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. A lesbian is a woman attracted to another woman. Gay is used to denote men who are attracted to other men. Bisexual means that a person is attracted to more than one gender. A transgender person is someone whose gender identity differs from the one they were assigned at birth.

Tell me again how you think God will judge others for who they love, and not judge you for hating someone you’ve never met?

Today, homosexuality and queer identities may be acceptable to more Indian youths than ever before but within the boundaries of families, homes and schools, acceptance still remains a constant struggle for LGBT people. I have heard of people coming out of the closet and declaring to their families that they are not the person their family expected them to be.

Every year, a huge number of LGBT people face huge issues related to violence, unemployment, discrimination, poverty and lack of healthcare. Prejudiced people have issues with the way people from the LGBT community lead their lives. These people, I believe, are being immature.

There are still many places in India where people are not aware of what LGBT stands for, because they think those who are gay are not allowed to be a part of the family.

Members of the LGBT community are also frequently traumatized as they go about their daily lives. This is more so in conservative societies like India, where the public space is often an extension of the home, and sociocultural prejudices legitimize bullying and harassment.

We will consider this country to be free when society no longer differentiates in its treatment of people who may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, cisgender or straight.

