Being Transgender Is Ohk!!! They Are Human Beings Too!

Kajal Singh
May 15, 2021   •  28 views

Social attitudes to transgender persons and other gender minorities vary around the world, and in many cultures, prejudices and social stigma are common. Consequently, transgender persons face challenges related to discrimination and negative attitudes among the public.

Typically, transgender means your gender identity does not fit the physical sex with which you were born. Sex implies binary or “two.” But the reality is we are on a spectrum, or “range.”Being a transgender person is not a mental illness.

Transgender people are often treated extremely poorly by their parents, by their schools, by society at large, and that can lead to problems in school and at work, as well as poverty and increased risk of substance use. But a transgender person may experience an emotional condition know as Gender dysphoria (is a feeling of emotional distress because your gender identity doesn't match the sex that you were assigned at birth).When a person decides to transition, it’s obvious. And unfortunately, not everyone is understanding. The individual may be bullied and not accepted by their loved ones as they transition, and after. And they may face medical insurance issues, too. The anticipation of these barriers might even cause someone to believe that they have no realistic path to transition.This pain is what can lead to depression and anxiety. And it is these mental illnesses that can make a person feel like they have no way out and have thoughts of ending their life. The effect that stigma, rejection, discrimination, and abuse have on mental and physical health for decades. 

transgender populations often experience high levels of both perceived and internalized social stigma, social isolation, discrimination, and victimization. Extreme social exclusion and lack of acceptance of transgender populations in different settings diminish their self esteem and ability to participate in social events. These situations often lead to symptomatic psychological distress, depression, anxiety and other mental health difficulties among this population. Social victimization may occasionally contribute to poor sexual health and unhealthy use of alcohol among this group.

When someone who identifies as transgender is surrounded by a supportive community (teachers, friends, family, school, or work colleagues) their rates of mental health issues are markedly decreased.We need to stop making people be who we think they should be and start letting them be who they are.

