So in this hectic world keeping our mental and physical state at point is a real concern and to cope up with that concern here are some Yogic poses that will really help in dealing with the belly fat!
It is the basic pose to make you ready for all the excercises that you do in the routine. Basically it is the warmup exercise that helps in proper blood circulation and keeping your body fit.
The toughest and the longest of all the exercises is the SURYA NAMASKAR since it comprises of almost seven different poses in a loop. It is a mixture of forward stretch backward strech and little bit of body stretching as well.
The exercise keeps the circulation process at peak and maintains the metabolism of the body.
This is an exercise that puts a lot of body parts onto pressure and main focus is the stomach. The exercise is a stretch cum bend excercise in which one has to touch their toes standing still with the help of hands and trying to touch nose to the kneee while standing.
This pose is the second variation or the second level of the padahashtasana and is done lying your legs along the floor. And touching your toes with your fingers and plunging down to get the perfect strech. What's important is that the knees should be clean stuck to the floor no leap should be made since that will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
This is a difficult pose since many people are low at balancing their bodies. In this pose one needs to stand on their knees and then lean backwards along with their hands and then touching their feet through their hands leaning backward along the body. A great pose to reduce belly fat and side belly fat since it pinches the side fat and stretches the belly till the core.
This is the relaxing pose but a very effective pose when it comes to results. The pose is done on a mat while leaning on the stomach. Then both the hands are kept on the floor and with their help the body rises up in the air making almost like 60° angle . This is a relaxing pose so not much stiffness should be done during this and also keeping it simple and clear.