We had listen many fight and attacks happened this day. But we also known that our brave solider fight with our enemy and makes a country proud. Due this type of circumstances of fight it can generate many tensions within country and with people of others country also, it can prefound that it can requires many brave solider to fight. But here I will tell a short story which you not heard before. So here it starts a brave person who is very faithful of his work, who always ready to fight, very ambitious about his career amd future, wants to serve his country. So he joined his Army Regiment.

In his childhood he had seen how his retired grandfather serve country and makes a country proud and wanted to be like him. So he already decided from childhood so he wants to became. From a very childhood he is very found of Bhagavad Gita and he listen many stories about the mythology.

He born and brought in Dagh which is in Punjab Province. Later at the age of ten, he decided to join Royal Military College which is states in Dehradun. Then he joined as a young lieutenant in 8/19 Hyderabad Regiment. After that he fought many wars and awarded as 'Mention in Dispatch' for his bravery.

After two years, India became independence and he sends to Kumaon Regiment for his duty. At that time he was badly injured with a broken arm and has a plaster wounded on it. He cannot do anything but he has to follow his duty first. Then his Regiment send immediately to Kashmir where many others outsider peoples wants to attack Kashmir. The next morning at 2:30pm a group of 700 tribals attack the Indian Army. Immediately he responded to Brigadier to send more forces to help them to attack. After that he sends his last message on wireless that he will kill till last man then after a mortar killed him.

At evening with arrival of others forces is too late bacause Regiment suffered about 50%. Later he awarded Indian most highest gallantry award that is Padma Vir Chakra. It is also interesting to know he was first person who got this award. So the most brilliant, faithful, helpful and a bravery soldier is none other but one give his life to his country the person name is Major Somnath Sharma.



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Akshat  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice.... Do check my articles as well