Setting New Standards For The Society.

Shubha Pai
May 27, 2019   •  38 views

Back in the days, going to someone's house or having guests at home was fun. Now we think twice before going to anyone's place. "If we go, will they think we are bothering them? If we don't go, will they think we are avoiding them?" So many questions.

Previously, gifts were exchanged out of affection, now it's done because it's mandatory. "What if they feel bad?" Boy, that doesn't come out as a concern. It's questioning every move you make in order to be liked by the people around you.

Surprisingly, several terms started having different meanings all through the years. Racism is not calling someone black. I call you black, because you are black. That doesn't mean I'm being a racist. If I am discriminating you, treating you different from others, bullying you because of your race, then I am being a racist. It's like calling me a sexist because I identify a woman as woman.

Feminism has taken its own varied meanings now. Gone were the days where feminism was about equal rights. Feminism now means worshipping women and bringing out the idea that women can do anything without a man in their life. No, my lady. Women need men in their life as much as men need women in their life. Women are people, we don't need to be worshipped. It is sexist to think that men can't do anything too.

One fact that needs to be agreed upon is that men and women cannot be equal in everything. Men are physically stronger than women, similarly women have stronger will power and emotional strength than men. Men are as important as women.

Another aspect about the new society is that writers and poets are expected to be sad. I can be a poet with a wonderful past, I can write about beautiful things rather than heart breaks. Pessimism and sadness have ironically, become the new cool. According to a survey, people prefer listening to sad songs now more than they like listening to cheerful country music.

Not only songs, TV shows that spread negative vibes and depressing thoughts are becoming more popular than normal sitcoms. As a result, new artists, writers, singers, poets everyone is choosing tragedy as their main theme. I agree the world needs something that it can relate to, but there is also a need to make the world realise that good things are still present. There are damn many reasons to be happy. Spread happiness, not negativity.

Now as we still are on the topic, let's talk about sadness. People usually use words like depressed, when they are sad. No Rachel, you are not depressed because your boyfriend didn't buy you a gift, No Simon, your friend is not mentally handicapped because he is stupid, and No Natasha, you don't have an OCD just because you want your nails clean.

These are serious disorders. There are people suffering from these disorders and none of us have any idea what they are going through. Don't tag yourselves with psychological disorders because they sound cool. They are people who wish they didn't have these disorders.

Finally, realise the fact that the society is changing, because we are changing. If you don't like the society, maybe you are the one who is not doing anything worth liking.





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Profile of Chandraprakash Saini
Chandraprakash Saini  •  4y  •  Reply
Nice one shubha