Criticism: An Important Ingredient Of Life

Shriya Kataria
Mar 14, 2019   •  141 views

Churning of curd makes butter. Likely, if taken in good spirit, criticisms make you a refined person. It is an important ingredient in the recipe of life. No one is a perfectionist. We all make mistakes but it's the acceptance towards them which enables us to make headway. One can never improve if they aren't open to criticism. It may sometimes provide you with a new lease of life and can motivate you to shake things up, in order to have a better life.

There are many things in our life which we overlook or do not consider but criticism creates a space for accepting such things. It broadens our perspective. Criticism can be in the form of feedback, performance review, constructive criticism or suggest. For example in organisations, employer after compiling the performance report of the employee, may suggest him ways to improve his performance or may pin point him for his mistakes. But one must not take criticism personally as it gives us an opportunity to grow and creates a transparent and healthy atmosphere. There is a concept of 'Constructive Criticism', a process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner. It is like lightening the candle rather than cursing the darkness. This is helpful as it does not creates cold vibes among people and doesn't dissuade anyone.

Take criticism with a pinch of sugar rather than salt. It can be better understood by the story of a painter. Once a painter painted something on a canvas for the first time and he displayed that painting in a public hall and told people that he has painted something and asked them to mark a cross where ever they find a mistake. The next day when the painter came back he saw, tht the entire painting was full of crosses and this broke his heart and ran away to his master's place and started crying. His master then asked him to paint the canvas again and after he did that, they went to the public hall again and displayed it there. They asked the people that where ever they find a mistake, they may pick up the brush and colour placed there and amend the painting. The next day when they came back there wasn't any changes in the painting. This was a turning point in the painter's life which taught him that it is easier to criticize but difficult to IMPROVE . So one shouldn't get carried away by the criticism and take it with a pinch of sugar.



Profile of Alok Kumar
Alok Kumar   •  5y  •  Reply
Wow!! this is awesome. Very nicely written with a very deep message.
Profile of Shriya Kataria
Shriya Kataria  •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks 😊
Profile of Jatin Bhardwaj
Jatin Bhardwaj  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow ♥️💕💕💯💯💯