Everything seemed to be the same from the bell ring to the gate. The latecomers still stood at the gate, the council members were still holding their place.

The day seemed the same for everyone, except for the batch that knew, it will be the last day in the school.

Holidays were what we waited every time right?

Then why don't they feel the same this time?

"Oh! We will still be at the same place ", the strong-hearted ones said. " Will we come and sit to see each other's faces as we do now" the cry babies cried again.

Things are not going to change, we will still be forced to study day and night, again and again. All the changes that we will encounter will be the surrounding, the silent surrounding won't let us concentrate, after all, we have a habit of listening "Silence in the class" by our teachers to get us to the book kept down.

The regular classes will not be our schedule, the bell won't inform us to take out a new subject. We will decide what we want to learn, but this isn't what the heart yearns. The heart wants a teacher at the door, kicking out a student who shout the most. There won't be hoots on a creepy answer given to a teacher. You will have the utmost silence you want for a good result, but then there won't be a "group studying " excuses for you.

Parents will understand your pain, those batchmates will feel the same.

Things aren't as before, the classroom will then be old. The bench will shout the tales of our days. The teachers will smile seeing our face. They will be old, we will be grown-ups. You will still find the kid when you get back to those places, where you hid while banking classes.

You will roam in the corridor reciting tales to your fellow mates, telling which path took longer to come back from the ground to your class. Telling those schedule that we broke each day. Reciting the name of our batch topper, and narrating there story of success in school .

Time took a leap from screaming and running into the class, to gently pass by peeping into it, watching new faces on the same memorable table, creating one of their memories.

There is still the feel of home in the campus of the school, i still feel the smell of my friendship, those tiny fights with my friends which makes me laugh now, the heart desires a time machine to just keep glancing at those moments of my school days, of my “Friends are my life” days, with those friends i could barely meet now, who are lost in the hustle of the world outside my school.






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