Game of Thrones is a series known for its complex story arcs, surprising twists and gruesome deaths that always seem to take the audience by surprise. If you liked someone in this show, its best to not get attached. Here are the top five-character deaths that definitely managed to catch us off guard.

Eddard Stark

This man might just have been the most just and fair man in perhaps the entire series, Ned's turn as the king's hand should have had a stabilising effect on the seven kingdoms but instead after rising against King Joffery, and being betrayed by Lord Baelish, the man we thought to have been the main protagonist gets killed quite early on.

Oberyn Martell

He might not have lasted an entire season but the way he was completely annihilated in the most gruesome of the ways made sure it was his death that the fans could hardly ever forget. A renowned and fierce fighter who though was winning in his fight in the beginning, after becoming too over confident unfortunately ends up getting killed by the man named Mountain. Mountain literally squeezed his head, till his head just popped.

Catelyn, Robb & Talisa Stark

The unexpected killing of Robb Stark, his wife Talisa, their unborn child and his mother Catelyn showed only how far the show directors were willing to go definitely catching the audience off guard. This nasty surprise isn't what anyone is ever going to forget from as what had been thought to have been a peaceful wedding to everything just going wrong.

Joffery Baratheon

Arguably one of the most hated characters in the series, Joffery was a terrible brat who seemed to think that he could literally get away with everything because of the seemingly Royal blood running through his veins. That is why the audiences everywhere cheered in delight as the tyrant cough and then writhe in horrible pain, finally passing away his mother's arms

The Night King

The battle of Winterfell, formulated one of the most shocking and surprising moments which ends with Arya Stark finally killing the Night King. It’s a bittersweet moment which is a lot to process as finally the villain who has been hyped for more than seven seasons gets killed off. But at the same time the audience couldn't have been any more happier as the undead king finally meets his end.

