In the language of common people, Psychology is the art of reading minds. In other words, it is about learning the working structure of minds. Psychology is an interesting subject which provides a great deal of knowledge in itself. People pursuing Psychology course knows about some of theses things but lot of common people miss them out. These are sometimes useful in knowing human nature. Some of the things abouts Psychology are as follows:

  1. Individuals who appear to be similar and at the same level of charm or attractiveness are more likely to end up being together than people who look different.

  2. Simply looking at the picture of the person you love can help in relieving pain to a large extent. It has been shown by scientists that the presence of loved ones can help a sick person or a patient in improvement, similarly so can a picture.

  3. Cuddling is known to release natural painkillers in our body. When two people embrace, their body releases Oxytocin which is called a cuddle hormone. Oxytocin helps to decrease headaches and can help to reduce pain. So in mood of tiredness or stressed, Cuddling can be a great pain reliever.

  4. People who give you the best advice or suggestions are among the ones having most of the problems.

  5. Many people suffer from a syndrome named Phanthom Vibration Syndrome which causes the feeling that phone is vibrating but it's actually not.

  6. According to reports, 1 in 5 people in India are mentally depressed hence making it the most depressed country in the world.

  7. It has been observed that the larger your signature, the larger your self-esteem.

  8. You have a favourite song? That is simply because you are emotionally attached to the song.

  9. Having conversation with opposite sex gives people improved mental strength.

  10. It is certainly possible to die because of a broken heart. It is known as Stress Cardiomyopathy.

  11. Intelligent people are most likely to remain honest and faithful while in a relationship.

  12. There is a gene that can cause people to remain negative most of the time.

  13. As per the studies, people who get easily distracted are more creative and tend to have more IQ.

  14. 11% of the world's population is left handed.

  15. Creative people tends to get bored easily while in conversation.

  16. Generally people are more attracted to those who occasionally challenge their beliefs. As we can't learn much from someone we agree all the time.



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