In international community every country keeps interacting with other countries. The interaction takes place with formulated objectives. The Minister of External Affairs is responsible for carrying out the tasks which comes under the foreign policy of India. These objectives form the core of Foreign Policy. It is not a fixed concept as it keeps on changing according to changing domestic and international conditions. A Foreign Policy is the instrument to realise the national interest of a country. Foreign policy is currently focused on improving relations with our neighbouring countries in South Asia, West Asia, engaging the extended neighbourhood in Southeast Asia and the major global powers. If we talk about the history of Foreign Policy in India then India started improving this policy even before the independence as the Government of India maintained semi-autonomous diplomatic relations with other countries. After gaining independence, India joined many organisations and also it supported independence movements in other colonies as well.
Factors determining India's Foreign Policy:
1. Domestic factors:
Role of geographical, historical, economical and cultural factors needs to be understand to gain profit from the Foriegn Policies with other countries.
2. International Environment:
When India became Independent in 1947, a nee world was emerging led by two super powers the US and Soviet Union. UN was founded with the view of Global peace but it could not stop the rivalry between the two super powers. India's policy of non-alignment has been influenced to a large extent by prevailing international environment.
3.Political interference:
Sometimes it can acts as a disadvantage in India's foreign Policy as it is the main reason to engagement with Pakistan.
Objectives of Indian Foreign Policy:
The three objectives of Indian Foreign Policy are as follows:
1. Economic development of India.
2. Promotion of International peace and security.
3. The preservation of India's territorial integrity and Independence of foreign policy.
Principles of India's Foreign Policy:
1. Panchsheel
2. Policy of non-alignment
3. Policy of resisting imperialism,racism and colonialism.
4. Peaceful settlement of international disputes.
5. Support to UN, International law and a just and equal world order.
Need in today's world:
A national security in great terms would require a great deal of political consultation, careful scenario building and analysing and net assessment by experts.
There must be presence of co-ordination between the various institutes and the central government.
Long-term strategic thinking requires intellectual depth and an ability to look beyond the tactical considerations to get profit from it.