The Inexistent Highway..(Ep-18)

Shivani Dixit
Jun 19, 2019   •  38 views

It was three days since Garang came home, but he neither talked, nor slept and not even ate adequately. Reeha had no idea what could be done to him. She finally decided to go to a doctor, but she couldn't leave him alone, so she took Garang along with her. Reeha decided to make an appointment in the doctor's house itself because taking Garang to the hospital could be problematic. They arrived at the doctor's bungalow in the afternoon. Reeha politely spoke to him 'Garang, and he is a close friend of mine. Tell him what happened and he will surely help you out'. For the first time after coming from the mental ward, Garang looked at Reeha and then moved his eyes towards the doctor but spoke nothing. 'Garang, did the people over there hurt you?' the doctor asked with a soft tone. 'How did you reach there, do you remember.' Garang kept silent. Reeha looked at the doctor with hope in her eyes. 'Mrs. Reeha can I please talk to you for a minute' the doctor muttered. The doctor and Reeha got up and moved asides.

'I think your husband has been tortured a lot, I can see blue marks on his neck, moreover Mrs. Reeha..' the doctor stopped for a while 'What doctor, what happened' Reeha asked 'Your husband's body has exchanged souls' Reeha was taken aback. 'What rubbish, being a doctor you believe in all this sort of meaningless stuff?'. 'I know Mrs. Reeha you won't believe me, now look at the carpet beneath Garang's shoes, can you see a shadow there'. Reeha carefully looked behind, there was a shadow, but it wasn't of Garang, it was very different, it seemed as if an older man with a turban sat on the sofa, where Garang was seated. Reeha's body shivered, the doctor tried to console her. 'I know this is very difficult to understand, but it's true.' 'Can't we help him doctor' Reeha asked with questions in her eyes. 'I can't tell you exactly, there are cases when such things happen and no medicines, no therapies can help, but there is always a reason why such things happen, if you can find the reason, there must be a solution' the doctor said his final words to Reeha. She looked hopeless. She took Garang in the car, and they both reached home.

Reeha knew that no one could help Garang except her.

She suddenly remembered the notes that came to her when she was finding Garang. Those notes came from an unknown source, but it was only because of them that she could locate Garang.

