Harry Styles is a heart-throb who became a celebrity as a part of the awesome boy band One Direction after their performances in X Factor. While it’s a “somewhat general” trend that teens who get fame tend to spiral off, it’s not true in case of Harry. Ever since the X Factor (UK series 7), we have seen the boys reaching amazing heights in terms of their performances as well as people. Prominent among the five boys is Harry Styles and here are a few instances which show how truly human Harry is.
His grandfather served in World War I, and this was the inspiration for him to perform in the movie Dunkirk, and we can all agree that he definitely pulled it off quite well
Most of his solos after One direction broke up, have been about true experiences in his life. This is probably why the songs are so relatable. Because they have a human touch.
He comes from a very humble place. Before X Factor, Harry used to work at a bakery near his home and it is said that he can make a mean loaf of bread
Even though he seems so collected and calm during concerts, Harry has a severe case of nerves, which shows that anxiety can affect even the best of us and we can get through it if we’re determined enough.
Harry is a romantic and apparently loves Titanic, The Notebook, and Love Actually.
His first Instagram user id was @GiveMeMyNamePlease, as his name was already taken and perhaps this polite request was what made the other person relent into releasing the username.
That one time he purchased pizza for $3000 and distributed it personally to homeless people. Really, how amazing is that?
He is not just a singer. He writes songs as well and has actually written songs for people like Arianna Grande and Michael Buble
Unlike celebrities like Justin Bieber and many others, Harry is known for being really friendly with fans and the paparazzi. Ask him for a hug and he definitely won’t say no. Selfie? He’ll stop for you and makes sure you get the picture, no matter how busy he is.
He is known for working with many charities. He once donated his hair to the Little Princess Trust, which works towards making wigs for little girls who suffer from hair loss due to cancer treatment. He also works with Comic Relief, towards helping homeless people.
He thinks that the sexiest thing a woman can wear is her smile. I mean, come on! You call this guy a womanizer? You must be off your mind.
Harry Styles is the king of lame jokes and dad jokes. The best kind of humor.
And the best thing of all is that he is an active LGBTQ+ supporter who has been actively working towards equality and against sexual discrimination for so long. So much that his fans made a rainbow of lights at a concert, just for him.