Are you ready to explore the world? But wait! It must make you realize how little you know about this lavish and magnificent world. But it's all right. Not to worry! Nothing will make you lose anything instead it offers you immense delectation, countless numbers of experience, numbers of unforgettable memories and of course lots of fun but of all that most importantly, it fuels your brain. Well! But is here fueling the brain limited to just gaining the information and knowledge about art, culture, society and all that? Not at all. Just get out of the box because travelling is something that reflects your creativity and provokes intellects as it is about exploring and stimulating curiosity about new and exciting places and ignites your mind and let you get into the realms of intriguing ideas. Moreover, travelling is much more relatable with augmentation of different skills as scientifically proven, for instance, communication, problem-solving and approaching and all that and of course it offers you a healthy lifestyle and keeps you fit as it keeps you away from stress and anxiety. So, now venture out and get ready to explore these three beautiful and famous place in the world.


Located at the southern tip of Iberian Peninsula, sharing the border with Spain at its southern coast in the Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory. Nicknamed as "The Rock", this incredible place has always good vibes for you. This place is dominated by the Rock of Gibraltar. Beautiful landmarks like Moorish Castle, Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay, Marina Bay to Casino Admiral Gibraltar, Playa de Levante (an urban beach), Gibraltar Cruise Terminal, Windsor Suspension Bridge, Skywalk Gibraltar and many more, Gibraltar is worth visiting and full of adventures.


Unknowingly, you must have seen this place, whether it is movies of Bollywood and Hollywood or it is celebrities' Instagram posts. This glamorous city is full of beguiling beaches, spectacular skyscrapers, sparkling Art Deco buildings at South Beach and lush green parks and gardens. Trendy bars, cafes, restaurants and even emporium are like heaven for nightlife-seekers.


The capital city of Spain, Madrid is no less attractive than other beautiful cities in Europe. There is much more to explore here like The Prado, one of the most popular art museum in the world, Royal Palace, Puerto del Sol, the grand square of the city, Plaza Mayor, city's Renaissance Square, Mercado San Miguel, the renowned marketplace, Gran Via, the bustling place which is city's entertainment, nightclub and shopping hub, Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, the panoramic view of this football stadium is worth looking and many more.

You can know, explore and experience much more about Real Madrid one of the most successful football clubs of Europe, Flamenco music and dance, bullfighting, La Tomatina (tomato festival of Spain), famous artists like Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro. Madrid will offer you lots of sweet memories that you will never forget.


