Brain Drain refers the situation when highly qualified and trained people leave a country to permanently settle in some other country. It is also referred to as Human capital flight. Brain Drain is a major problem for developing countries like India. Highly educated professional people after completing their education from India ,they emigrate to other countries for job opportunities . The destiny of the developing countries lies with the youth of their country. After independence India has been engaged in struggle against poverty.

Instead of contributing to the prosperity of India, the Indian scientists, research scholars, engineers, doctors and economists immigrate to other countries. But the problem is that a developing country like India can hardly accommodate so many ambitious people all together . Unemployment rate in India increased to 3.53 percent in 2018 from 3.52 in 2017. Constant increase in population has been a big problem in India. It is one of the main causes of unemployment. The number of universities has increased manifold. There are 385 universities. As a result of this educated unemployment or white collar unemployment has increased.

The educated professionals are increasing every year in India but due to lack of job opportunities they are forced to emigrate to other countries. These days, most of the developed countries act like organizations. When they fail to find good, talented and skilled workers in their country, they attract the highly skilled and qualified people from other countries. It’s very obvious that the skilled Indians prefer US Green Cards over the not-so-attractive pay checks and average living conditions of a developing country like India.

Over the years, India has become a major supplier of skilled and talented young people to the Western countries, particularly European Union. The major destinations for Indians in the EU in the are UK, Germany, Italy, Austria and Spain. So now its high time that the government takes action against this problem.Better job opportunities should be provided irrespective of caste ,religion or creed and people should be promoted only on the basis of their merit. Its time to end the brain drain and move to brain gain.Its time for the great minds of India to return home.

