Climate change is one of the burning topics, globally.Let's delve deeper today and see :What it is? Why it is? and more...

Climate change is the change in normal climate cycle due to regular changes in weather pattern for a long time of a particular place.

This is somewhat technical, isn't it?
OK. Let's, take an example of a seed. If we check after 2 months, the seed won't be seed anymore but will be changed into a sapling( T&C applied ) So, exactly the change to the 'sapling' is it.

Why it is a big deal?
We are living in an exceptional planet-Earth. There's no other planet found so far which sustains life. Our Planet has a balanced shield called its atmosphere which supports living.

And the climate change disturb the layers of the atmosphere and this leads to catastrophic impacts on 'us'. Thus, it is important to discuss preventions. As, "Prevention is better than Cure".

IPCC( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is an organization of United Nations that gives a global objective of Climate Change providing scientific views, economic impacts, security urges and more so that we could unitedly work upon it.

We are the first generation to feel the climate change and the last generation to do something about it.

"Not Every cloud has a silver lining"

Indeed, there are some odds here too.
Where whole world is thinking to do something to stop the change ( Ok. least once in a blue moon) , there is a concept called CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL. It came across as some people thinks that Climate Change is a hoax ! ( Donald Trump is probably the ambassador of it.)

What you think the most powerful renewal resource is? :Denial.
