Its important to know the meaning of the PRIDE but it's more important to know what does each word stand for, only then you can understand the exact denotation of the entire word. Pride is a lot more things at the same time, be it family, lifestyle, job, attitude and behaviour etc. It is about staying the same person who you are under any circumstances. This term is very powerful as it is used to maintain enthusiasm and encourage a group of depressed organizations to achieve something.

After achieving something there is a feeling of satisfaction and deep pleasure but if one lacks any of these qualities of PRIDE the achievement would be incomplete. Talking about each word individually, every word is related to each other. When can you judge someone's performance? When a person is given some responsibility then only the performance of that person could be judged. Which means performance and responsibility are directly related to each other if one quality is satisfied the other would be automatically added. Same explanation stands for devotion and equality, if one cannot treat people equally and has a feeling of rich or poor then there is no use of devotion, if you have devotion for your duty your responsibility it becomes important that you treat every person equally at the same level. If one has any of these two qualities then the rest will be added on its own so intelligence would be enhanced on its own.

