Westernization means the adoption of western products. It is done in different sectors like education, industrial, art, food, agriculture, lifestyle, clothing, music, and politics. It has both good and bad impacts. The Westernization lowers down the value and market of Indian products, art pieces, and handicrafts. We are so spellbound with the western lifestyle that indigenous lifestyle seems full of backward ideas to us.

Indian culture is the most ancient culture in the world. India has contributed to Science, Mathematics, Ayurveda, Art,Music, Food, Dance forms, Medicine, and many to the world. Indian scientists and mathematicians are famous all over the world. The Indian culture is so diversified and wide that in 2018, 10.55 tourists visited India. Indian paintings and architecture are famous all over the globe.


The craze for western clothing made Indian outfits outdated. The Indians stopped wearing traditional dresses. This has devalued Indian culture. Indian outfits are not only to wear on festivals and functions. The fascination for western clothing is affecting Indian manufacturing industries.

Toys and Accessories

A huge variety of toys and accessories are exported from China to India. There are manufacturing industries in India also but we keep buying them even when Made in China is written.


The Indian plate has welcomed much western food in it. The western food lacks essential elements of a balanced diet. This food contains high amounts of oil and fats in it which causes obesity. The kids, teens, and youngsters are fond of western food.


Due to westernization, Indians have started celebrating Christmas and Halloween more than Diwali, Holi etc. This lowers sale of Indian lamps, crackers, colours and sweets.


The Indian music has changed greatly due to in taking of the western culture. Indians have their own traditional music and instruments like flute, drums, etc., however, today they are using different instruments like guitars to make their music.


Westernization has changed many peoples lifestyles. Now, there is no particular lifestyle that is Indian. Most things have changed like respect to the young ones and elders, the importance of a family, marriage making, clothing, festivals, foods, names, languages and even getting plastic surgery to look more western.


In India, different languages are spoken. Although, many of these mother tongue languages are beginning to fade. As usual, to get a good job, you must know the English or other additional ones. So many people today are focusing on these languages and are forgetting about their mother tongue.

However, westernization had a positive impact on public health, education, modernization, films and movies.

Westernization has brought many negative impacts on India how ever, it has also brought many benefits as well although. Still, India should take care of this globalization because, in the future, it will change India and destroy its religion and tradition.

