The harsh truth is these days it has become ardours for one to stay happy. There are varieties of things that are responsible for this, like the basic etiquettes are rarely followed, the world is moving quicker and so on. So it is important to get past these hurdles for one to be happy. If you are or want to be happy try cultivating these little habits in your routine;
1)Appreciate little things
One of the major reasons for us being unhappy is because everything seems to happen wrong. To get past this the simplest and easiest thing we can do is to appreciate the little things around us, it could be anything like someone offering you chair or lending you pen. Recalling a quote from Goodwill Hunting, “You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to”. These little things would definitely put a smile on your face and assure that world is not a cruel place.
2)Don’t plan everything
Things are simpler when not planned. Just going with the flow will keep your mind relaxed. If you happen to fail in any task by going with flow you’ll develop resilience and despite the failure you’ll stay positive because the outcome of one won’t affect the next one. Another little beautiful thing that comes along with the package is you’ll get to relax.
3)There are people around
One of the fondest memories all of us have from our childhood is spending time under the sun with people we like and as we grew up we grew apart. To beat the negativity around catch up with your friends, share a laugh, have deep conversations and smile when you see them. It’ll definitely bring a positive change. If the meeting is outdoors and if you are able to reach the destination by walk the better it is.
4)Make yourself available
Just as much as you want people around they’ll expect the same from you. Just like anyone of us there will be someone sitting right next to us having no one to talk to. Reach out to them, listen to them and make sure they aren’t alone. Spend some time for charity work and spread the happiness around.
5)All of this is for you
As much as time is spent with others it’s important to spend quality time for yourself. Disconnect yourself from the internet find peace with music or book or movie, introspect and appreciate nature.