In the 21st century, Everyone is busy with their work. In this busy life, humans generally don't care about their health and fitness. But everyone wants to be fit and fine.

Mostly all of us know what to eat and what not to eat, which food can make us healthy and which food can make us unhealthy. We all know that SATTVIC food is good for our health. But knowing this is not enough, we should maintain our diet with sattvic food. We should avoid TAMASIC food, which is not good for us.

Generally, SATTVIC food takes 3-4 hours to digest, on the other side TAMASIC food takes 45-48 hours to digest. TAMASIC food stays in the stomach for 2 days. That's why SATTVIC food should be preferable.

When people try to lose weight, they start the workout with zeal on the first day and do workout actively for 10-15 days. But after that, they don't carry on because they find it tiring and difficult. This mostly happens with all of us because we do not get the correct motivation. Here I will tell you some tips on how to be motivated every day and how to work out with passion.

Have you tried a lot of exercises, but still got no result?

Have you tried a lot of diet plans, but still got no results?

I will tell you some tips and diet plans to lose your weight effectively.

  • You must drink 5-6 liters water a day. If you are on a diet, then drinking 8-9 liters water a day.

  • You should eat that food which has high fiber, proteins, with less fat intake.

  • You should eat slowly and chew the food properly, which will ease the digestion process up to 50%.

  • When you wake up in the morning, you should first take warm water with lemon juice.

  • You should exercise daily, or you can run for just 30 minutes a day.

  • If you are taking a diet plan, you should religiously follow the diet plan and not eat junk food.

  • You should meditate daily to keep yourself motivated.

  • You should not overeat the food you like, you should eat in a limit.

  • You should play outdoor games which make you fit and creative.

  • You should sleep by 11 pm and wake up early in the morning.



Empty stomach

  • Warm water with ½ lemon juice = 1 glass


  • Green tea (without sugar) = 1 cup


  • Black coffee (without sugar) = 1 cup


  • Oats with milk = 1 bowl


  • Sprouts = 1 bowl


  • Upma = 1 bowl


  • Salad = 1 plate

  • Chapati = 2 chapatis

  • Vegetable = 1 plate


  • Deal = 1 bowl


  • Curd = 1 bowl


  • Vegetable soup = 1 bowl


  • Rice = 1 bowl

  • Deal = 1 cup


  • Buttermilk = 1 glass




Profile of Rajkumar
Rajkumar  •  5y  •  Reply
Great article:)