The fear of loosing shakes our soul, loss can be of anything like a loss of a loved one, or reputation, or something basically very valuable, something you can't live without, something or someone about which your world revolves around, something that you start taking for granted sometimes, it's the most important thing but it is with you for so much time that you start taking it for granted that it won't go anywhere but suddenly that thing starts getting away whether by choice or circumstances than this fear of loosing starts taking birth in you, you start remembering and valuing that your life would shatter if that thing actually get lost, you won't be able to see it, touch it or will ever be able to feel it again, you start remembering the times when you misbehaved with that something, and curse yourself for doing that, and you just wish for some more extra time with that thing.

You show your fear through different emotions some cry, some shows anger, some goes in extreme denial, but each emotion just want that something to not go, every part of you wants that something to stay, to be with you, no matter what, you do whatever you can, your best for stopping that something to leave.

But sometimes things get out of your control, no matter what you do, how hard you try, circumstances and time take that thing away from you, and leave you broken, and expect you to carry on with your life, then you get extra protective for other valuable things around you, or some get in denial, they don't accept the fact there most valuable thing is gone, but anyhow you move on, even though you every part still misses that something everytime you close your eyes, everytime when you are in the middle of the day, the fear of loosing gets inculcated in you forever.

To avoid that fear to get heavy on you, you create a shield around you in order to protect yourself, but little do we know, that shield isn't capable of getting rid of the fear, as much as you try to avoid, this fear creeps in, the flashback starts, and again, all over again, every part of you breaks.

We only can do efforts and give our best, and be on our best with that thing until the time that thing is with us, appreciate it when we have it with us, close to us, and love it will all our heart and soul. And when time comes, fight for it, do whatever possible to stop it, and if it get lost, just accept and keep the memories of it safe in the chambers of our heart.
