People around you are falling out of love,they’re breaking up and the thought of losing the person you’re with haunts you. You’re so afraid that one day they might get bored and leave. It’s terrifying to be living with such uncertainty. Love is much more than what we’re shown in movies and shows. It’s about being there constantly. Their sorrows become your sorrows. The idea of a relationship that we have is really different. A relationship will have it’s good and bad days. The effort isn’t going to be 50-50 all the time. On certain days you’ll be required to do more than your fair share because your partner isn’t able to. A relationship is about going through all the ups and downs life has to offer and not quitting.

You’ll unknowingly hurt the person you’re in love with and you’ll be hurt too but you don’t let go. Love is about wanting to be with someone despite all their flaws. Love isn’t perfect, not every relationship makes it. Heartbreaks are inevitable, considering the amount of emotions that are attached to a relationship you’re bound to be hurt. Something you should definitely think about would be that who in your life is worth taking this plunge. This relationship which could give you memories you’d cherish but might also be the reason why you break down. But don’t be afraid of loving. If you hold yourself back you might lose someone who was just right for you. Life has a lot to teach you. Love and heartache is a part of life and I’m sure there are some of you who think love and relationships are a waste of time. When you meet the right person (eventually),you’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ve been in endless discussions about love and I can’t help but say that when you’re in love with the right person it’s the most beautiful feeling in the world. For those who would disagree with me I’m sure you have your reasons and I hope someone’s able to change how you think about love. A quote by Nick Cannon on relationships :

Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you're in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.



Profile of Vallabhi U
Vallabhi U  •  4y  •  Reply
Well composed ideas! I wrote something on a similar genre. Pls be so kind as to check it out too :)
Profile of Esha Patel
Esha Patel   •  4y  •  Reply
Like and comment on my blog and I’ll return the favour ;)