Problems Only People With Glasses Can Understand

Riya Jain
May 19, 2019   •  16 views

Glasses are necessary but really annoying sometimes. You have to always have them with you so that is a problem. Only people with glasses know it's worth and its troubles. Following are the difficulties only people with specs can relate to.

1. They have to be taken everywhere.

It's like a severe headache to carry your glasses everywhere as one cannot function without them. And you cannot always wear lenses and neither can everyone. They have to be taken care and not forget them anywhere when you are outside.

2. Rain and glasses never go together.

If you think you can wear glasses and go out happily to enjoy the rain then you are really mistaken. You have to choose between them as either you can wear them and soon not be able to see or you can keep them away and see everything blurry.

3. Losing them every time you're about to go out.

You can't find your glasses? Well, that happens to everyone. When you are about to go out and have completed your makeup and dressing and you realize that your glasses are lost. They always win in the game of hide-and-seek. Finally, you give up and find them at the most obvious place that you totally missed or you sometimes you find them by sitting on them and breaking them.

4. They sometimes make fashion blunders.

Your glasses don't always go with your planned outfit. The color or style just doesn't always match. Some glasses match with no clothes. It's hard to keep them in style. You can not wear shades so you have to face the sunlight with bravery.

5. Stereotypes.

Sometimes due to glasses, people are stereotyped. Some weird people who think that people wearing glasses are nerds and are really smart. That is not necessary. Glasses are just visible evidence of bad eyesight and not to classify people into categories such as nerds.

6. Fogged up glasses.

Thinking about brewing a hot cup of coffee for yourself? Remember to take your glasses off. While having a hot drink when you are about to drink the glasses get fogged. Winters always fog up the glasses.

7. People giving advice.

Wearing glasses means getting advice from people every time. They tell you the pros and cons of surgery when they don't even know the process. They'd advise you to get contacts or different and weird ways to get rid of glasses. Those ways include applying your saliva under your eyes every morning. Gross!

8. Filters don't work.

Filters just don't go with glasses. They get misplaced and the ears are on your eyes or the ones with sunglasses look like you're wearing two glasses.

9. People just don't understand.

When people try on your glasses and say things like " Hey, I can see everything clearly. So does that mean I have glasses too?" or "I can't see anything you must have a pretty bad vision. They joke about you due to the glasses and some even desire to have glasses. When you tell people about the problems of wearing glasses they just think it's no big deal and we are just exaggerating.

10. Sleeping is our enemy.

Sometimes you forget to take the glasses off when you go to sleep. If you're too tired and drift off to sleep then the next day you wake up to broken glasses or bent glasses or an injury on your face. If you try to sleep sideways them you might not be able to.

Everyone suffers from those problems and there is no way you can avoid them unless you get rid of the glasses.

