… a green-skinned zombie with hair on one half of his head, the other side was torn and his brain popping out of his head and green slime oozing out of his brain, his mouth was wide and looked like a ragamuffin. I gave out a deafening shriek and ran to the end of the graveyard. As I ran, I heard more and more creaking. I turned around and saw a whole army of zombies behind me I reached the corner of the yard and did not know what to do. I thought to myself, “What was I thinking, why did I come hear so late at night.” Suddenly I got an idea I took a long run up and leapt over the broken fence and quickly blocked it with a stick. I yelled at the zombies, “Ha! my flesh and brain deserve more than being eaten by a bunch of rotten humans.” I sprinted back to my house where the party was still going on. I was so exhausted that I just took a glass of juice and went in my room and just. I was just about to sleep when I heard a knock on my window, I turned my head to see what it was I saw this shadow of a man, I thought I was imagining things because of the lack of sleep so I curdled and went to sleep. Next morning, I got up and remembered It was my Aunt’s birthday. I really missed her and was down in the dumps. I ate breakfast and made a beeline for the graveyard, when I reached there, I saw barriers put around it and many cops were there I saw the mess and remembered the incident that had occurred last night. I just walked back home and picked up my cell phone and started playing on it. After a while my mom called me to the kitchen, I shuffled to the kitchen and asked,” What happened mom?” She asked me if I saw anything odd last night when I was out. I replied,” No, not at all, nothing.”  Then I saw the time and remembered I had to meet my friends at the ground. So, I sprinted all the way to the ground, they too asked me if I know anything about the graveyard and I said no. That night I had gone for a sleep over at my Friend’s house because both of our parents were out, we were a bit scared but we managed to get some sleep. In the middle of the night at 3:00 we heard rapid knocking on the glass. We both got up, I asked him if does he see the shadow to? And he said yes. We both picked up an baseball bat from beside our beds and opened the window. As soon as we opened the window a zombie crawled in it was the same one as the one in the graveyard the zombie was coming nearer and nearer and we were cornered…



Profile of Swineflu2o Undefined
Swineflu2o Undefined  •  3y  •  Reply
is there a part 2???
Profile of Swineflu2o Undefined
Swineflu2o Undefined  •  3y  •  Reply
hey it is cool story!!
Profile of Asher Paul
Asher Paul  •  4y  •  Reply
Seriously you just say Cool! to everything I upload
Profile of Vikrant More
Vikrant More  •  4y  •  Reply
Creepy but cool.
Profile of Vikrant More
Vikrant More  •  4y  •  Reply