What if we compose all the events happened in our universe since the beginning. All the events from the Big Bang and the creation of galaxies and stars and planets, and the birth of humans on the planet earth in just a single Calendar. This Calendar is called Cosmic Calendar.

Cosmic Calendar was found by Carl Sagan where he describes each second of Cosmic Calendar is equal 434 years of the Universe. Cosmic Calendar helps us to understand the events of the Universe easily. Cosmic Calendar does not include leap year and it includes only 365 days because its main objective is to clarify the events of the Universe in chronological order.

January 1st- a small source is energy is floating is an empty space, in a null void. Everything which exist is the creation of this source. This source is smaller than the nucleus. Suddenly it blasted from its core and its small elements started to expand. This is called Big Bang and our universe is now created.

10th February - Our Universe got its first source of power, which is Hydrogen
15th March - First star is born in this Universe, after that star continuously started to born and our Universe is filled with the everlasting light and the galaxies are created.

1st May - Our galaxy Milky Way is born.
8th September - Our Sun is born and on 9th September our Solar System is created.
12th September - Our planet Earth is born and on 13th September our moon is created in our solar system.

20th September - a stable environment is created on our planet Earth.
1st October- single-cellular organisms are born and on the 15th October multi-cellular organisms are born for the first time on our Planet.

All these events happen till the end of November and now everything on our planet will now happen in December.

19th December- first large multi-cellular organisms are born which live underwater. On 20th December first plants are born on our planet.

23rd December -Reptiles are born and on 24th December, our planet was filled by the Dinosaurs.
26th December- first species with wings and ability to fly and flowers were born.
28th December- Dinosaurs were wiped out from existence from a meteor crash and on the same day Gondwana started to break apart and Continents were born.

29th December- Apes were born and on the 30th December, Homo sapiens were born and started to explore our planet.

31st December- Homo sapiens transformed into Sapiens and started to utilize the resources for their own benefit.

Now all the history of our mankind happened in the last hour of our Cosmic Calendar. And at 11:59 pm is the current time in which we are living.

