This is for all the girls who is having a troubled acne prone oily skin. Here are few of my mains that i use daily and some weekly to keep my skin look great though it is still not that great but i am very proud of what it looks right now. I have also tried using korean skincare but it didn’t suited me and this is what i have been using.

  1. jojoba oil

  2. rosehip oil

  3. I do lemon , honey and brown sugar scrub once or twice a week.

  4. Aloe vera gel(organic)

  5. And fruits raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, banana, pomogrenate etc.

  6. apple cider vinegar

  7. and my favourite red sandalwood powder

Use jojoba oil and aloe vera gel at night. It does wonders and DO NOT forget to use SUN PROTECTION before going outside in the sun and try not to eat junk food and eat and drink only homemade food and drink lots of water.

Thank you. I hope you like this page and the content , i would love to share more about skincare and i have many other things to share about also.🔥🔥🔥

