There are things i wanna say to you

Yet i have kept my mouth shut

I hid it because no one really cared before

But i did tell an empty room, like always

These water droplets leaving my eyes

if i start counting the number of tear drops I've shed in your memory, real and made up;

I'm afraid it would amount to an oceans' worth of salt water

Now that i see,

You were different

Some would say you're the first and the only guy i have ever loved.

Which brings me to a question that i find myself argue about a lot in my preety little head

Was it love? Was it real enough to be associated with l-o-v-e?

After all we were what, 13? (That age reminds me of that justin beiber song)

Did you? Ever love me?


You had a girlfriend right?


Sometimes i question, was there actually something or was it just me and my pretty little head!

I never confessed it but:

I want these and million other answers

I want to know entirety of your side of the story 


I’m ashamed to ask you, if we ever meet that is

I quite literally loathe myself for falling for you.

But then again you were; are the only one who made me feel, when i wasn’t even expecting it at all!

And oh my my! Doesn’t it all still haunts me

