It is a triangular oceanic section in the North Atlantic ocean where numerous ships, flights and marine vessels have mysteriously disappeared into thin air. The coast of Florida, Bermuda and Greater Antilles vaguely form the boundaries of this triangle of doom. No one is aware of the real reasons why ships and human life disappear in the middle of nowhere so down below are the theories people made up.
Is the triangular ocean space haunted by the bewitching Sirens? Incase of missing out mythos class or bedtime story, let me give you a crash course on Sirens! How fascinating are mermaids? Kind and caring and with alluring looks. Well, Sirens are the exact opposite of Mermaids. They are enchanting species of half human-half fish who lure sailors to the rocks with their hypnotizing voice and devour them after their ships crashes. Some say they look ravishing and some believe their looks can be deceiving. In such beauty lies peril.
If Aliens were to ever walk on the earth then there could be no better hiding place for them than the Bermuda Triangle (in this case, swim). And this theory is a favourite one among sci-fi buffs and a potential story for futuristic movies.
A lot of monsters from Greek mythology appear as a cameo when it comes to the Bermuda Triangle. The Kraken is basically a terrifying monster that can crush anything and anyone and is also said to be undestroyable. It is believed to have been the king of aquatic monsters and rule over the seven oceans. If anyone ever encountered one in the Bermuda Triangle, then it's pretty obvious why they are a no-show.
While growing up, I had a lot of questions about the Bermuda Triangle. The name sounded mythical enough to arise new theories and that's what I did. As a kid, I wanted to believe "monsters" really exist, so I shut out all the facts and sat on the legends from Greek mythology for dummies and spread the story. I still am open to the possibility of the middle of the ocean being haunted by angry monsters but that doesn't mean I don't give a chance to actual facts.
If the ocean floor of the Bermuda Triangle is rich in methane then it might form a gas-ice mixture under high pressure. Landslides would prove to be catastrophic under this condition. It would result in continuous poisonous bombing which might intoxicate the pilots or change the density of the atmosphere and mess with normal piloting, either way resulting in their death.
Forget monsters, how about monstrous waves? Scientists are open to the idea of rouge waves that can reach up to the sky, sinking aircrafts and destroying their evidence. No one alive can confirm it, so with nothing to prove and test the atmosphere, this theory can be true as well.