When it comes to love, Ted Mosby is undoubtedly the perfect lover. One of the leading characters of HIMYM, Ted Mosby takes love to a different level and gives us an extended version of hopeless romanticism.

Professionally an architect Ted is the narrator of this sitcom, recollecting the blunders and telling his kids how he had met their mother. The events portray Ted as a person searching for his love, dating a whole bunch of girls, eventually left at the altar by Stella, and finally finding ‘the mother’ at the wedding of Barney-Robin. Funny part here is when he sees Robin for the first time he says he’s going to marry her someday. Here are a few instances which prove him to be the ultimate lover, ever portrayed.

Best buddy: Theodore Evelyn ‘Ted’ Mosby is the best buddy a guy could ever get. From the freshmen year, he had been there for Marshall and Lily, supporting him in a law firm and motivating Lily to take her dream job. You can’t ask for a better partner, for a married couple other than Ted. He also supported Barney and accepted their love when Barney and Robin decided to get married.

The perfect one: Ted Mosby is a one woman person. After several failed relationships he never gave up the idea of the “perfect woman” He is hopeful that someday he will get the opportunity to sit beside the Christmas tree, solving puzzles with his loved one.

Believes in destiny: The idea of ‘destiny’ and ‘everything happens for a reason’ is followed by Ted thoroughly. Because of this, he goes on dancing the whole night on the terrace for a rain shower.

You can’t force destiny, so when he is left at the altar, he thinks it to be a good thing. Finally he finds out Robin’s locket, yes! The universe is sending a signal but for the best.

It’s better to Take chance: Throughout his life he had been taking risks, falling in love ,moving on and again relying on signs. To him it’s better to love and lose than never try. Even after Barney and Robin’s engagement, he tries his best to remain friends.

Grand gesture: Ted Mosby is all about grand gestures. He thinks his next girl to be his soulmate and does everything to make her feel special. When he was dating Stella, he arranged a two minutes date just because she has few minutes to spare during lunch. In pilot episode, Ted steals the blue horn for Robin and it played a significant role in portraying their situation. Even after Tracy’s death with the permission of his kids, he visits Aunt Robin to give the blue horn.

From the quest to finding true love, supporting Marshall- Lily, bro coding with Barney, Ted remains the centre of the show. His idea of true love never leaves the set for a single second.

“None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we’ve got.” - Ted Mosby .

