Where Did Ice Cream Originate?

Raj Nandani
Jul 08, 2019   •  16 views

Summers means ice cream for a lot of people. Summer is not the bondage; every season welcomes this dish warm heartedly. Ice cream is a dish which requires no time, no occasion and no reason to be consumed. People like to consume it whenever they want to enjoy themselves.

Feeling low?

Ice cream.

Feeling tired?

Ice cream.

Want to treat yourself?

Ice cream.

Had a fight with someone?

Ice cream.



Won the match?

Ice cream.

So basically every occasion which requires a little bit of cheering up involves ice cream. Ice cream is always there to cheer you up and fill your mouth with typical sweet and cold taste. But do you know where did ice cream originate?

Ice cream was first made in the similar form that we consume today by the people of China. From China it was brought to Italy by famous explorer Marco Polo. Polo went to China on a trading expedition in 1271 and was amazed to see a frozen dish being sold from the handcarts on the streets of Peking (now Beijing). It was actually iced confectionery – like frozen milk, sometimes flavored with fruit juices. Marco Polo was offered it as a gift and he took it with him to Italy.

Thus, the frozen dish reached Italy. The idea didn’t stay in Italy only, it flew across France when in 1533, Catherine de Medici of Italy went to France and married there. She took a large retinue of cooks with her and introduced this new delicacy to the French.

The secret recipe spread in England when the cook Henrietta Maria married Charles I in 1630. Soon the recipe was spread all over the world. The first whole sale factory of ice cream was started in Baltimore, Maryland in 1851. The real development of the ice cream and the ice cream business started flourishing only after 1900 with the development of refrigeration.

The ingredients involved in creating this amazing dish are cream, milk, sugar and sometimes even eggs. Vanilla, chocolates, berries, fruits, nuts and other add on are added for flavors. The ice cream usually contains 20% to 25 % cream and milk products, 15% sugar, flavor in small quantities and small amount of stabilizer. The stabilizer is used in order to retain the smoothness of the ice cream and prevent the formation of coarse ice crystals. Pure food gelatin is usually used for this purpose.

Ice cream contains calcium, proteins and vitamins A and B. Today we have varieties of ice creams in different colors and tastes to make them more attractive and acceptable.

All in all, Ice cream is love.



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